Good ol’ Swedish radio station, P3. They’ve not only gone and created lots of scandipop mash-ups, but they’ve uploaded them to their website for all to have a jolly good listen and rave-out to, also!
Highlights for us are;
Dilba’s ‘Try Again’ vs The Killers’ ‘Human’
September’s ‘Mikrofonkåt’ vs Lily Allen’s ‘Not Fair’
Basic Element’s ‘Touch You Right Now’ vs Britney Spears’ ‘Hold It Against Me’
Robyn’s ‘Indestructible’ vs Carl Douglas’ ‘Kung Fu Fighting’ (yes, REALLY!)
Tim Berg’s ‘Bromance’ vs Edward Maya’s ‘Stereo Love’
Lena Philipsson’s ‘Det Gör Ont’ vs The Killers’ ‘When You Were Young’
Lena Philipsson’s ‘Det Gör Ont’ vs Basshunter’s ‘Boten Anna’
Jessica Folcker’s ‘How Will I Know’ vs Black Eyed Peas’ ‘Where Is The Love’
Markoolio & Linda Bengtzing’s ‘Värsta Schlagern’ vs Wiz Khalifa’s ‘Yeah’
Kleerup’s ‘Longing For Lullabies’ vs Snoop & Justin Timberlake’s ‘Signs’
But there’s plenty of gems to leaf through!