Adrian Lux feat. Kaelyn Behr: ‘Sooner Or Later’

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  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

Adrian Lux feat Kaelyn Behr Sooner Or Later 624x624 e1395404397431

Swedish superstar producer Adrian Lux this morning premiered his brand new single ‘Sooner Or Later’. It features the VOX of Kaelyn Behr, and it is a bit awesome.

The awesomenessness is inevitably down to the chorus. Or more the fact that it has two choruses. One an epic and melodic trip vocalled by Mister Behr, the other a downbeat electronica instrumental crafted by Mister Lux. ‘Sooner Or Later’ ain’t a banger, but it IS a beauty. And after Adrian Lux’s first superb album, this is precisely the kind of thing that reinvigorates our appetite for his second one – this song being the first taste of it. The new album, or rather the new EP, is called ‘Make Out’ and is released later this Spring.

Listen to ‘Sooner Or Later’ in full over on P3 Radio’s website. They gave the song its first spin earlier this morning.

No idea when it’s out, or in which territories, sorry. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could say “RIGHT NOW AND EVERYWHERE” for all songs that we write about? What a messed up world we live in.

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