VIDEO: Merely – ‘Scandinavia’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release


A Scandipop artist releasing a song called ‘Scandinavia’! She released it on her ‘Nevermind’ album last year, and today Swedish artist Merely has put out a video for the brilliant ‘Scandinavia’.
What’s it like? Well in Merely’s own words, it’s “about me trying to break free from other peoples’ expectations of who I am, ideas about me being a certain way because of my gender, where I grew up and how I behave”. So given that it’s sort of a defiance of the notion that she might sound like her domestic contemporaries – we feel a bit unstuck in describing it. To us, it sounds like the most lush glorious kind of Scandinavian synth balladry. But we don’t think she’d like that description. Or was that a double bluff? Tongue in cheek maybe? Is this what constitutes something being meta?…
This is all very confusing? It is. Can we just say that it’s a stunner of a track, that stopped us in our tracks when we pressed play? There, that will do.


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