The Main Level: ‘Go Go With You’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

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Norway’s premier boyband have today released the video for their new single. ‘It’s ‘Go Go With You’, and it follows on from their debut single ‘Blackout‘ a few months back.

‘Go Go With You’ is another gloriously catchy guitar pop number. It’s got a chorus you can chant, and in the place of lyrics in some parts, it relies on the old faithful “oh-oh-oh” trick. Always a winner.

What with 5SOS, Rixton and The Vamps all being a bit huge in 2014 – The Main Level are catering for an audience of pop fans who miss a time when boybands weren’t afraid of looking and sounding like boybands. The Main Level are representing the whole boyband thing precisely how we want them to. And they sound like they’re enjoying it too – which is quite refreshing when you compare it to how pleased with themselves One Direction AREN’T sounding these days.

Long may their enthusiasm for pop continue.

Here’s the video for ‘Go Go With You’;

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