SONG: Michelle Ullestad – ‘Emilie’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

(photo: Emili Carin Rønning)

What’s this? The brand-new single from Norwegian newcomer (sort of), Michelle Ullestad. This is the rather marvellous ‘Emilie’.
What’s it like? Quite the bop, truth be told. If you’ve been a fan of what Felicia Takman has been pumping out of neighbouring Sweden over these last couple of years, then you’ll find a lot to love here, too. ‘Emilie’ seems almost triumphant in how joyous it is from start to finish. A feel-good find, this one.
What does Michelle say?It’s just a song about a little bit of a bad feeling, me comparing myself to other people and feeling shitty about myself. But I don’t do that all day, it’s only for a moment and I say to myself ‘wait, you shouldn’t do that’ – I think writing helps for the big things and the small things…and helps me appreciate the good things too.
Written by? Michelle herself, along with Eirik Hella.
More from Michelle? Her second EP ‘Sol’ arrives in early 2022, and earlier this year she released her debut EP – ‘Det var litt morkt der en periode eller noe‘.

You can find ‘Emilie’ on our Best New Pop playlist.

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