Mike Paudy: ‘Side Effects’

  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

MikePaudySideEffects e1381597131524

Denmark has got a brand new pop chap within its ranks. Mike Paudy, who has just come out with his debut single ‘Side Effects’.

Well, it’s his debut SOLO single anyway. His first outing since being in the group Raiden, who competed on the Danish X Factor back in 2008. Now he’s 22 though, he’s going it solo – and with the help of Aqua’s Rene Dif, who has signed him to his new Popbeat record label.

‘Side Effects’ is an r&b ballad. A dark number about a love that’s bad for you, despite feeling so good. It’s big on the beats, and with an emotional chorus delivered by his rugged, husky vocal. Grrrr, etc. Lyrically it’s a bit English isn’t my first language, but then English isn’t Mike Paudy’s first language, so that soon puts that critique to rest.

Here’s ‘Side Effects’, and its video which contains some cracking great dimples.


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