Last night’s Rockbjörn awards!

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We sauntered along to the Rockbjörn awards last night to have a gander at events unfold. Despite the appearance of a few pop names on the list however, the majority of the evening was unfortunately to its name – very much rock.

Awards wise, none of our beloved scandipopstars that were nominated – September, Saade, Svensson, Saucedo, and Styrke – picked up a prize throughout the evening. And as for the entertainment, well there was only really Danny Saucedo, The Ark and Amanda Mair to keep our eyes on the stage. So it was just as well that we had VIP access and a ticket to the afterparty, as we instead turned it from a music event into an evening of socialising! Much better.

Cheers to Love Generation, Danny Saucedo, Le Kid, SOJO, Timoteij, September, and Eddie Razaz for keeping us company at various points throughout the evening. And it was great to finally meet some people behind the music too – Michel Zitron, Alexander Kronlund, and Martin (E-Type) Eriksson. And quite a few others too, but memories of everything from around midnight are a bit blurry…..

You can have a look at the full list of winners here. And Aftonbladet have also uploaded a mammoth 269 pics from the ceremony and the after party here.

And below you can check out the performances from Danny Saucedo, The Ark, and Amanda Mair. Danny performed ‘Tonight’, ‘In The Club’, and his (amazing) tour dubstep mix of ‘If Only You’. And Amanda Mair (a new artist who we’re keeping a close eye on and have written about before here) performed a piano medley of the nominees in the Best Song category.

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