Who is Jesper Jenset? Jesper Jenset is a 17 year old chap from Norway, who competed in last year’s series of Norwegian Idol. This month he released his new single and video ‘Superhero’.
What’s it like? So catchy. Like, ridiculously catchy. Obscenely catchy. We were all over this before the first chorus had even finished. And then came the post-chorus – another wow moment. This is superb pop music at its very finest. And we’re totally one of the Jensetters (what Jesper calls his fans) now.
I hope Norway is counting its blessings and lapping this shit up, yeah? 320,000 Spotify streams in less than a month isn’t bad.
More from Jesper? As with Swedish Idol, the top placing Norwegian Idol contestants given an original song while they’re still in the competition. Jesper’s was the also-very-good and quite GRL-esque ‘Call Me Yours’.