Time for an amazing mash-up. In fact, let’s actually do a mash-up of those two words, call it an amazsh-up, and be done with it.
This amazsh-up comes courtesy of both Electric Lady Lab and Kelly Clarkson. The backing track of ELL’s ‘You & Me’ with K-Clay’s ‘Stronger’ vocal over the top, and a little of ELL’s ‘You & Me’ vocal used also. You could also argue that Snap’s ‘Rhythm Is A Dancer’ should get a mention too, since ‘You & Me’ actually samples ‘Rhythm Is A Dancer’ – but let’s not complicate things any further than they already are.
It’s all been spliced together and it sounds much better than your average mash-up – it sounds like an amazsh-up. It fits very well, we have acquired the mp3, and we will be playing this at future DJ gigs. Yes, this is definitely one of the better ones.
The creator, a one Dan Mei, has also gone the extra mile with this and cobbled together some video footage from both acts, to give it that more comprehensive feeling. Bravo.