Anton Leuba: ‘Another Saturday Night’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

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Swedish electropop gent Anton Leuba has just yesterday unveiled a brand new single – ‘Another Saturday Night’. It’s good.

The staunchly do-it-yourself artist has previously released two albums independently and free of charge. And the DIY sensibilities come across again in ‘Another Saturday Night’. By that we mean that it sounds quite simplistic and there’s not a lot to the production. In fact it’s almost a struggle to make it through the first verse. However, perseverance is rewarded with the arrival of a spectacular chorus. The press release promises that said chorus WILL get stuck in your head, and credit where it’s due – it really DOES! And it’s a marvelous chorus too, at that – so you won’t mind in the slightest as it lodges itself stubbornly inside your cranial area.

This man cites Kylie Minogue, Robyn, Madonna, Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, and AnnieĀ amongĀ his influences. And while you can’t hear any of them specifically in ‘Another Saturday Night’ which is streaming in full below, you can definitely tell that he likes his pop melodies.

We like that in a man;

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