What’s this? The debut EP from Swedish artist AMWIN. ‘AMWIN in Wonderland’.
What’s on it? The absolutely phenomenal first two singles she released, ‘Uber‘ and ‘Living Mistake‘. And the not-so-great third single ‘DeLorean’ (we didn’t feature that one, so there’s no link). And the back-to-being-great-again new single ‘Dua Lipa’! AND two new songs, ‘Lucid’ and ‘Ghost’.
New single, you say? Her most upbeat track to date, in which she merges 2019 pop with 1999 garage. It’s been a good half a year since ‘Dua Lipa’ sounded this good.
That EP artwork is GLAM! If you like that, then you’ll appreciate the music vid to ‘Dua Lipa’ – which you can watch below, right under the album.
You can find ‘Dua Lipa’ on our Best New Pop playlist.