What’s this? The latest song (and music video) to be taken from Ina Wroldsen’s forthcoming ‘HEX’ EP. This one is called ‘Mine’, and it’s our favourite yet. The melody is a crushing knock-out. One which, every time we listen to it, we have to press play on again, as three minutes just isn’t enough. We’re totally here for an extended version on ‘HEX’, if you’re reading this, Ina!
What does Ina say? As with all tracks from ‘HEX’, ‘Mine’ represents an element taken from Nordic folklore. Ina says: “Inspired in part by Huldra – the seductive and enticing forest creature from Scandinavian folklore. She takes what you love from you, because that which you love can never be yours. Beware of Huldra.”
Written by? Ina herself (obvs), along with Edvard Førre Erfjord and Bård Mathias Bonsaksen, produced by George Reid and Edvard Førre Erfjord.
More from Ina? If you’ve missed the first two tracks from ‘HEX’, here they are – ‘Remember Me‘ and ‘Sea‘.
You can find ‘Mine’ on our Best New Synthpop playlist.