Swedish duo JJ are prepping for the release of their forthcoming album ‘V’ (is that their fifth album, or are they being a bit avant garde with the title?!). With the album’s build-up, two rather brill new singles. ‘Dean & Me’ premiered on Swedish radio yesterday, and ‘All White Everything’ released a few months back.
‘Dean & Me’ is the more obviously brilliant of the two. An unstructured mixture of seemingly dozens of gorgeous sounds, tunes, gasps and groans that they came up with in the studio that day. That must have been a very fun day. The song clocks in at over three and a half minutes, but is over before you get a chance to realise what’s going on. And it’s all presented as a ghostly masterpiece that teases its presence, knowing that you’re going to be left very confused, but utterly enthralled. ‘All White Everything’ is the softer and quieter of the two. Unlike ‘Dean & Me’, it relies much less on a dazzling production, and instead it’s mostly up to the vocal and melody to make this one shine. Which it still manages to do. And so we get JJ showcasing two separate facets of the amazingnessness we can hopefully expect in plentiful quantities on new album ‘V’.
Here are both songs;