Meow: ‘Caterpillar’

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  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

MeowCaterpillar e1392984728280

These two just don’t QUIT, do they?! Just over a month since they last blessed us with some new tracks, this week they uploaded another absolute corker to their Soundcloud page. It’s the half Norwegian and half British duo Meow, and their new track ‘Caterpillar’.

It’s a thrill-a-second pop song laced with electronica and infused with a furious tempo of drum & bass. High point is the chorus. The almighty chorus. But to be honest we were enthralled from the beginning – well, it’s difficult not to be with an opening line that goes “eat me”. ‘Caterpillar’ is three minutes of intense production paired with LISTENTOME melodies. It might well be their best yet, but the standard of their previous songs is so high, that it’s just too difficult to say. Even for something as blates brill as this;

Caterpillar by Meow UK

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