Cielle: ‘Angel’

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  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

CielleAngel e1348652411929

Brace yourselves for a bit of Bubblegum flavoured, Swedish tinged, Euro house! ‘Angel’ by Swedish popstrel Cielle.

We’re not sure why we feel such an affinity to this song – but it’s probably because it reminds us a lot of the tunes that we clubbed to during our uni days in the early noughties. It’s decade old retro chic! Sounding like it’s been lifted off the second half of Disc 2 of a Clubland compilation in 2002. And we bloody well love that sort of thing.

We don’t really know anything about this Cielle lady, other than the fact that she’s from Skåne in the South of Sweden. But that cover art alone makes us curious to learn more!

‘Angel’ was released a few weeks back. Just in Sweden for now, but you can listen to it in full here;

Angel (Remixes) - EP - Cielle


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