Vanbot – live set!

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

VanbotSet e1366276320200 has produced and released this live set with one of our favourite new Scandielectropop stars, Vanbot. And it is WELL worth a look.

As well as the songs OBVIOUSLY being up to par, what’s amazing about this live set is that it’s so beautifully shot. Filmed in three different areas of Lidköping (Läckö Slott, Kållandsö, Vänern) in Sweden last summer, in high quality and with fantastic sound. And most strikingly of all, in gorgeous surroundings. Plus, in between each song, Vanbot talks to the camera and we get to see the person behind the popstar. It’s interesting that during this film she talks about the whole alter-ego thing, because the bright and bubbly girl talking to us in between each song is totally not what we expected from the icy electropop princess we hear on record and whom is pictured above.

As it was shot last summer, it’s of course focused on her previous album rather than her new songs. But we’ll take that. The visuals are totally worth it, and wouldn’t have been possible in the depths of winter.

She sings three songs: ‘Got To Get Out, ‘Bitter Is The Sweetest Part’, and ‘Make Me, Break Me’.


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