Tove Lo: ‘Timebomb’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

ToveLoTimebomb e1410260407465

Today we have Tove Lo continuing her steady ascent to becoming the best popstar in the world right now. How about THAT?! Following her singles, EP, and news of the impending debut album at the end of the month, today she released the first teaser track from the album. It’s ‘Timebomb’ and do you know something readers – it’s the best thing she’s ever done.

An anthemic chorus is what steals the show here. But as hard as it might be to focus on anything other than that (and trust us, it’s difficult to take your ears off THAT chorus), everything else about the song veers from brilliant to genius as well, and shouldn’t be ignored. The charming headfuck of a verse, the ecclesiastical middle eight, the piano tinkling away delicately while blissfully unaware of the epic shit that’s going on around it.


More on the forthcoming ‘Queen of the Clouds’ album here. The album is divided into three parts – and ‘Timebomb’ belongs to the SEX part. And before the album’s release on September 24th, there will be more tracks unveiled in stages. Here’s the schedule;

09/9 – Timebomb
16/9 – Moments
17/9 – Talking Body
23/9 – Thusand Miles
24/9 – Queen Of The Clouds (album release)

‘Timebomb’ is written by Tove herself, along with Klas Åhlund and Alexander Kronlund.

Have a listen to this. And good luck finding the time to listen to anything else today.

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