Tia Lily: ‘Adrenaline’

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  • Post category:News / Preview / Release


New single and video from Swedish dancepop singer Tia Lily. The appropriately titled ‘Adrenaline’.

It’s club orientated electropop house stuff. A Swedish House Mafia-lite production with a lady who happens to be from their homeland shouting over the top of it. A sharp militant synth with a bouncy vocal. Nothing revolutionary, but sometimes precisely what you need from a new tune. A Swedish singing lady raving out to a floor filler.

Long after America tires of its EDM phase, we’ll have people like Tia Lily still happy to serve it up to us. Because in Scandinavia, it’s never been just a phase.

The single was released last week, and is available outside of Sweden too.

Adrenaline - Single - Tia Lily


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