This week’s Allsång action….

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elisas guld

Last night’s Allsång På Skansen line-up – Elisa’s, Sara Varga, Eric Amarillo, and Veronica Maggio – was about as ”something for everyone” as a primetime TV show can muster for one hour’s entertainment. And yet all four of the artists still appealed to us. Excellent choices, SVT!

You can marvel at the main performances below, watch the whole show here, and see the extra non-televised half hour extension here.

Oooh, once more thing first. We got chatting to Elisa backstage after the show, and she told us that the next goal for Elisa’s is the big one – they’ve got their sights set on Melodifestivalen! Now wouldn’t that be bliss?!


Elisa’s: ‘För Det Här Är Bara Borjan’

Sara Varga: ‘Spring För Livet’

Eric Amarillo: ‘Om Sanningen Ska Fram’

Veronica Maggio: ‘Jag Kommer’

Veronica Maggio: ‘Välkommen In’

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