The Storm: ‘Raver’


Hooray a new single from The Storm was released this week. And double hooray – they’ve called it ‘Raver’. That seems exciting right? Right!

These Danish ‘rockers’ ‘turned’ ‘ravers’ have been on our radar ever since last year’s utterly sublime ‘My Crown‘ (and on everyone else’s radars long before then!). What an absolute anthem that was. New single ‘Raver’turns both the synths and the tempo up, as you would hope and expect from a song with a title so full of promise as this one. It’s got a brilliant chorus that goes “COS I….should be dancin like a raver” – delivered via a melody that sounds both crushingly sad and defiantly happy at the same time. We love it when that happens.

We also love a good dubstep breakdown too. And yep – ‘Raver’ has that and all.

The Storm made an appearance on Go’ Morgen Denmark earlier today, to perform ‘Raver’ within a quaint band stand in Copenhagen’s Tivoli Gardens.

You can watch the performance and thus listen to the song here.

Raver - Single - The Storm



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