Swedish group The Magnettes continue their 100% strike rate of ph’nom singles with the release of their brand new one – the video for which was released yesterday. It’s ‘Sad Girls Club’ with an ironically joyous chorus, post-chorus, and rave synth pounding its way through everything in its path throughout. In their own words; “The Sad Girls Club is not something we invented,” the band shares. “It’s a movement that we’re part of. It’s the idea of a sanctuary, for whatever reason, that treats you as the person you want to be. Where you’re allowed to be sad, different or plain hostile. To counteract a world that tells you to smile when everything systematically sucks. This is our party and we’ll cry if we want to.” If you’ve been sleeping on The Magnettes then do yourself a favour and wake up! You can start by checking out what we’ve raved about on here before.
You can find ‘Sad Girls Club’ on our Best New Synthpop playlist.