SONG: Svala – ‘Þú Togar í Mig’

  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? Icelandic artist Svala is back with a brand-new single – ‘Þú Togar í Mig’.
What’s it like? She’s returned with something quite different for her. A stripped back piano ballad with a large-scale melody. The combination of the two allows Svala to show off her vocals in a way that we haven’t heard from her in a while. And they sound incredible. The whole song is a gorgeous listen from start to finish, and clocks in at a nice four minutes in length – something of a novelty in pop music these days.
Written by? Svala herself, along with Bjarki Ómarsson and Friðrik Ómar.
More from Svala? Earlier this year she released the atmospheric synth number ‘Þögnin‘.

You can find ‘Þú Togar í Mig’ on our Best New Pop playlist.

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