SONG: Mira Luoti – ‘Paperinuket’

  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? The brand-new single and video from Finnish artist Mira Luoti – ‘Paperinuket’.
What does that mean? Paper Dolls.
What’s it like? Flamboyant synthpop that doesn’t shy away from the dramatics, the campery, or the key change, as it happens. Something to put on when you’re feeling a little bit extra.
Written by? The lady herself, along with Janne Rintala and Lauri Halavaara.
More from Mira? Earlier in the year we devoted a lot of time to ‘Hopeinen Tussi’.

You can find ‘Paperinuket’ on our Best New Synthpop playlist.

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