SONG: Emilia Pantic – ‘SOS’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? Ahead of the release of her debut EP next month, Swedish newcomer Emilia Pantic is out with single number four, after debuting in February of this year. This is ‘SOS’.
What’s it like? A racuous pop tune with punk sensibilities, rooted in so many of your favourite mid-’00s chart smashes.
What does Emilia say?‘SOS’ is one of the most personal songs I’ve written. Every word and line can almost literally describe the irritation, betrayal and hatred I felt towards certain people in my life, and they describe real events I experienced with them.
Written by? The artist herself, along with Kerstin Ljungström and Myra Granberg.
More from Emilia? Before ‘SOS’ there was ‘Död‘.

You can find ‘SOS’ on our Best New Pop playlist.

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