The brilliant Orion is today giving Scandipop readers another glimpse into this brilliance we speak of. Following on from his big debut single last summer ‘In The End’, he’s finally following up with the second single, and is giving us an exclusive lengthy preview of it ahead of its release.
We love Orion. First single ‘In The End‘, plus his remix work for both Agnes and FAYE, he’s been consistently getting it very right with each new peek into his wizardry, and quietly lining himself up as one of the most promising new figures in electronic music – both in Scandinavia and outside of it. New single ‘Crest Of Waves’ follows on from where ‘In The End’ left off – a heart wrenching melody and lyric, all set to a stunning backdrop of post-peak time dance floor melancholia. It’s a one-listen-and-you’re-into-it affair. An affair which we’re looking forward to continuing for as long as he allows it to.
Listen, listen, listen;
[audio:|titles=Orion – Crest Of Waves Feat.Patrizia (Snippet)]Orion. Mysterious Orion. Let’s find out a little bit more about him, shall we?
Like first of all – we always wonder if an artist so clearly onto something so good, is as aware of the fact as much as we listeners are.
“Well I think it’s funny, cause I get emails from people who are so generous and warming, but some may think I´m a superman. I´m just like everybody else except I make music. I don’t have a big studio cause I don’t need one. I mostly produce on my headphones using my laptop, and in places around that give me great energy. I mean, most of these songs are written during the night in my empty apartment, and then I run to my studio four blocks away to nail it on the piano. Some were written last year at my friend’s house in Florida, and some are written at my local bar Tranan. A Sunday there can give you a great vibe, watching all these people, and reflecting on what you once had that has now been lost.
A song is a song, but a great song will always be remembered. I try to do my best to make music as good as I possibly can, and reflect on my life so that other people can feel how I feel. And the fact that I can hide myself behind a logo makes it all the better, cause as a person I feel very insecure and I think won´t match up to people’s needs. So this way of making music is perfect for me.
It doesn’t matter how big Orion will be, I will always be that shy boy from school.”
This combination of uplifting electro-dance, and heartbreaking lyrics and melodies. Is that very much his “thing”?
“I think all music must be made with emotion & honesty. That’s two words that are so important for me and my music. The thing about me is that I hardly listen to any “dance music” at all, most of my inspiration comes from old Disco tunes, where the buildup and feelings are so vital to the whole track. And that’s what I´m trying to recreate in a modern sound.
Orion started when something I cared for so much ended for me very fast. I started to write lyrics and music for it and just locked myself in. It was and still is a huge pain on my shoulders, a pain that may never go away. That’s why all of my lyrics and music are as real as they can be – cause it’s my feelings and emotions on paper, and then in a tune for people to feel part of.
Everything starts with a piano & broken heart, the rest is up to yourself – like Chris Martin from Coldplay said.”
We like his habit of hiring different female vocalists for each new release. Is that a trend that’s gonna continue, into his album? And if so, who else has he worked with, or would like to work with?
“I believe that there are so many talented singers out there. I love sitting on YouTube and just watching away for hours. So much talent! That is in one way how i found Malin (Marylin – vocalist on ‘In The End’). I remember a link got sent to me on which she sang “Nothing compares to you” by Sinead O’Connor. I was so blown away by how so much energy could come out of that little girl. Just amazing! And then when we recorded “In The End”, she came up to my studio and she nailed it in like two takes. Such raw talent and such a wonderful and amazing person. She is going to be huge and I hope I´m there and can help here as much as I can when she does.
Patrizia, the singer for my new single ‘Crest Of Waves’, I got a link sent to me from Hedda at the record label. I felt she was the right one after only four seconds into the song. I emailed her after hearing the song one time, and to be honest, I NEVER thought she would answer. She seemed so cool and I got some “Beyonce” vibes from her, but she replied very fast and said she would love to do it, which made me super happy. And she did a very good job too.
There is a new song that will be finished very soon, that I think will surprise a lot of people. It takes a direction very far from the what’s gone before from me, but still features that Orion sound. It’s a building-up, explosive, string arranged symphony, with some amazing vocals by a Swedish artist called Niklas von Arnold. It’s going to be a big, big song. That I can promise!
I love what Agnes is doing at the moment. To re-invent yourself as an artist like she has done with ‘Veritas’, takes hard work. Only Robyn has done that, and I think Agnes is on her way to becoming our next big popstar from Sweden. I also love what Tove Lo is doing at the moment. She is definitely a fave of mine for 2013.
Regarding who to work with in the future, I can’t say I would like to work with a specific person. Everything comes down to when you’re in the studio and both of you gets that same feeling and energy. I do have a goal for 2013 – to give away songs to artist. There are some Orion songs that I feel others would express better then me.”
Finally – why is it that Sweden does IT so well?!
“I know why. And it applies to me too.
We are shy. Shy in expressing our feelings, and shy in telling people how we really feel.
We live our lives exactly the same – always thinking “I should do it but I don’t quite have the courage to do it”. So we take all our feelings and emotions and go down to the studio and write songs about it instead. It’s just a fact. Just look at all of the amazing artist that we have created!”
‘Crest Of Waves’ is released soon. Worldwide.