New ”Ace of Base” music!

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Who wants to hear some of the new music that the new incarnation of ”Ace of Base” have produced?!

We have to put the name in quotation marks, as they’re not officially called that. It’s founding members Jonas and Ulf, with two new girls Julia and Clara.Apparently they want to be called Ace of Base, but original singers Jenny and Linn aren’t happy about it.

But anyway, NEW MUSIC! It’s a low quality clip, and possibly won’t stay online for very long, but if you’re quick, you can hear clips of two new Ace of Base songs. They’re very poppy and very dancey. And they do sound like they have the potential to be quite excellent indeed. *scream* How exciting! The first clip is of ‘Let It Play (On The Radio)’, which is the new single.

The gent in the clip is of course Mr Ulf Ekberg himself. Still looking every bit as jaw droppingly sexy as he did when the band launched back in 1994.

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