INTRODUCING: Skylark – ‘Dark Space’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

Who? The Swedish creative talent Tobias Jonsson has previously written and produced for Scandipop faves such as Magnus Carlsson, The Lovers of Valdaro and Neo, and now he’s launched a new artist project of his own under the name Skylark. This is his new single ‘Dark Space’.
What’s it like? A beautiful synthpop composition that evolves into something that’s really quite majestic and potentially very special right before your ears. If this was the big comeback single from one of your fave pop girls, you’d be all over it – so get into this right here!
Written by? Written and produced by Tobias himself.
More from Skylark? This is his second single – last year he released his debut, ‘Girl On Fire‘.

You can find ‘Dark Space’ on our Best New Synthpop playlist.

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