Who is Saara? Saara is Finnish teenager Sara Forsberg, who became famous last year when her What Languages Sound Like To Foreigners YouTube video went viral to the tune of 14 million views and an appearance on the Ellen show in the US. She went on to sign a record deal with Capitol Records, and yesterday released her debut single. It’s this. ‘Ur Cool’.
What’s it like? It’s bubblegum hip-hop. A cross between Cher Lloyd and ‘The Block Party’ – the debut solo single from Lisa Left-Eye Lopes. Now THERE’S a comparison. Some will find it catchy as fuck, others will find it irritating as hell. And therein lies a fool proof formula for a perfect pop song.
Best bit? “maybe we can hang outorsomething…”
How’s it been doing for her? Number 1 on Finnish iTunes within the first 24 hours.