INTRODUCING: Moa Morfeldt – ‘You & I’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

moa morfelt-172766

Moa Morfeldt? A 16 year old girl from Sweden who has just released her debut single ‘You & I’.
Is it any good? It’s a hugely charming pop track that has an adorable habit of conjuring up some nostalgia for that golden era of pop music – the late 90s and early 00s. We’re not sure if it’s intentional or not, but the music, the melody, the tone – all draw upon Scandi produced, US teenpop from that time. And as a result, we’re finding a lot to love about it.
Written by? Thomas Sjöholm, who also produced the track too.
And there’s a video too? Yeah….erm….we don’t really recommend watching that. Just listen to the track and appreciate it on its own merits. The video doesn’t really do it any favours.


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