Who? Klara & Jag! Or Johanna Frostling and Klara Tuva Wörmann. Two Swedish singers and songwriters, who have been writing music together for the last eight years. This however, is only their second single – ‘Fake It Til’ You Make It’.
What’s it like? A gloriously camp disco tune that unashamedly merges ABBA influences with Baccara styles and understandably sounds incredible as a result.
Blimey! Heroes, the pair of them. We LOVE that two artists are doing this in 2018 and sounding this good.
More from Klara & Jag. Their previous release was their debut single back in 2016. ‘Samma Gamla Nätter‘.
You can find ‘Fake It ‘Til You Make It’ on our Best New Synthpop playlist.