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Now that we’re living in Stockholm, we’re getting even more immersed in the Scandinavian pop music scene. But often, the titbits of news we hear are perhaps a bit too brief to warrant a full story to be written here on this website, so instead – we post them on Twitter. In the last few days, since our time at the Melodifestivalen heat 3 after party, and after meeting up with a few pop stars last night, we’ve posted quite a few bits of news on Twitter that readers of this site will have missed unless they’re following us on there. Sooooooo, if you’re on Twitter, do follow us at www.twitter.com/scandipop to read even more scandipop news. And if you look at our last few tweets, you’ll see our gossip about; new albums from Darin, September, and Agnes; the truth about the rumours of 26796 341159004746 715904746 4742591 2902079 nMåns Zelmerlow coming to the West End to perform in Chicago, plus when he’s going to return to Melodifestivalen; the latest about Alcazar’s mission to return to the UK charts, including the change of the planned first single; Basshunter’s next steps in making music; and an exciting new collaboration between Alexander Bard and Therese, which will hopefully result in lots of new hits for her!

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