Gabrielle: ‘Løkken’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

gabrielle mildt sagt

Here with the FIFTH single from her debut album ‘Mildt Sagt’, Gabrielle has just premiered the video for ‘Løkken’.

It’s her most down-tempo single to date, allowing her to bring things down a notch from the frantic club sound of ‘Bordet‘ and the dizzying dubstep of ‘Inn I Deg‘. Here she takes a breather and lets a lush and atmospheric electro production shine and steal the limelight of the song. Over it, she (purposefullly) halfheartedly delivers a vocal that’s complimentary to the track, only grabbing some of the spotlight for herself during a melodic post-chorus.

Five single in, and five reasons that go towards explaining why Gabrielle is Norway’s current darling of pop music.

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