Frida Sundemo: ‘Indigo’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release


Some of you may recall we introduced you to a new Swedish singer called Frida Sundemo back in March 2011. And those of you who don’t remember can read up on her here. Well she’s back on our radar with the quite frankly splendid new single ‘Indigo’.

The frigging thing isn’t released until MARCH, but there’s a big build up planned, so that’s actually all well and good. That build up includes a video coming soon and a big ol’ remix bundle including one from Adrian Lux himself.

Back to the original though. It’s a pop heavy dose of electronica that sounds like the blistering chill of an ice crush cocktail that blends one measure Annie, one measure Tove Styrke, and a light splash of Icona Pop. We all know by now that top quality Scandinavian electro songstresses are ten-a-penny these days, but ‘Indigo’ speaks for itself and rightly so declares itself a cut above most of the rest. And she’s misplaced the down-tempo cool in exchange for an up-tempo blast. We like her a little bit more for that.



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