As you probably are already aware of, Sweden isn’t just unbeatable for producing the best kind of pop, dance, and schlager music in the Whole Wide World, they’re also a dab hand at churning out quite cool, quaint, and quintessential electro music as well. What a Scandinavian can’t do with a synth, isn’t worth doing, quite frankly!
Here’s the latest låt that has bowled us over with a nonchalant whisper of a vocal and a misleadingly melancholic melody (as it actually turns out to be a much poppier tune in the end, than first listens suggest). It’s ‘Boom Boom Boom’ by Firefox AK. Released in Scandinavia tomorrow, it was emailed to us earlier in the week. On first listen we thought it pleasant. On second listen a day later, it got a little bit more likeable. And then on the third listen last night, it REALLY sunk into our heads as something quite special indeed. Needless to say, there have been multiple more listens since then!
Have a listen below. And also check out the video, as it happens to be by one of our favourite pop vid directors of all time – the thrice scandipop award nominated (and once winning, for this masterpiece) Robinovich. If you don’t know the name, you’ll probably know the vids anyway, as Robinovich has worked on them for artists such as September, Elin Lanto, Marie Serneholt (Catchy Tunes are clearly another big fan too!), Jonna Lee, and Fibes Oh Fibes. Type ‘Robinovich’ into youtube one evening if you’re ever in need of some entertainment. And the promo for ‘Boom Boom Boom’ is another impressive creation to add to the CV. Visually and conceptually stunning. And perfect for the song too, which is the most important thing.