Emma Lewin: ‘No Excuses’ – the video!

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

emmalewin e1332067894304Emma Lewin – formerly of Caracola and then formerly of Sheelah – has gone and put together a DIY video for that splendiferous song of hers that we scribed about earlier this year, ‘No Excuses’.

Fresh from her ‘stint’ on the Swedish version of The Voice, we hope that Emma is all ready to launch this solo career of hers, and that there’ll be more songs from her and Tony Nilsson – the gent whom she co-wrote ‘No Excuses’ with.

Like we said, the video is DIY, and so is as low budget as they come. But if you’ve not yet heard just how amazing this song is – look and thus listen;



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