Edith Backlund: ‘On The Run’

  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

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Swedish singing lady Edith Backlund is back with the latest single to be taken from her cheerily titled ‘Kill The Clowns’ album.

Album name aside though, said new single is actually quite the jovial number. ‘On The Run’ is a retro inspired, up-tempo pop jaunt. It wouldn’t sound out of place on an Amanda Jenssen record – and we do, for the most part, enjoy Amanda Jenssen records.

This is a delightfully melodious track and an upbeat toe tapper. We’re not suggesting that Edith steps permanently away from the down-tempo mood pieces that she normally excels in so well (and which we love), but popping a happy pill every so often obviously agrees with her. Who knew?!

On The Run - Kill The Clowns

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