Following on from their self-titled debut EP released last year, Swedish duo Dream Lake have just released a single with one of the best record labels in the world ever – 100 Songs. Most of the tracks that come out on that label are somewhere between above average and amazing. And their Dream Lake collab is right there in the upper echelons of that scale. It’s ‘Let Us Stay The Night’.
‘Tis a dreamy synth piece that’s big on the pretty. Less of the Nordic ice though, instead with a great deal more warmth to it.
Dream Lake consists of Isabella Svärdstam and Niklas Willar Lidholm. They say: “We want to create a soundtrack to other lives and our own“. 100 Songs says: “Through their music they express the emotional state that oscillates between dream and reality. Melancholic tones and lyricism, combine in serene beauty”.
Yeah that sounds about right;