Discomatic: ‘Some Years’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

Cover Discomatic

Here’s a fresh new dance track released today in Sweden. Juuuuuust in time for the weekend. It’s ‘Some Years’ and it’s the debut single from Discomatic.

And who are these Discomatic folk? Well it’s actually the new project of Jonas von der Burg. He’s been quiet of late. Too quiet. But it now transpires that what he’s been up to is soldiering away in the studio working on a new dance project. He’s written and produced ‘Some Years’, with help from Björn Axelsson, Michael Holborn, and William Henries.

‘Some Years’ is an earworm of a track. An ethereal verse coupled with a typical Jonas von der Burg production, then gives way to an instrumental chorus. And it’s that chorus which is the catchy part. It’s dance, but it’s almost quite folk too. Medieval folk! It’s a surprising outcome for the song, but it’s an undeniable tune and a half. And it was love at first listen for us. And don’t even get us started on the extended version.

The song was released in Scandinavia today, but not outside unfortunately. However, Discomatic’s record label 4 On The Floor are allowing us to stream a preview so that you can listen. And here it is;

[audio:https://www.scandipop.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Some-Years-preview.mp3|titles=Some Years preview]

For all you Scandi dwellers, here are the links to stream it in full on Spotify and buy it on iTunes;


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