ALBUM: Felicia Takman – ‘Alla Gör Slut’

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  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? Swedish artist Felicia Takman has just released her debut album – ‘Alla Gör Slut’.
Only her debut? It feels like she’s already a seasoned pro at this music lark. I mean, she is. Despite only debuting last year with the exceptional ‘Ditt Problem‘, she’s released a plethora of pop hits and even a couple of EPs in that short space of time. But now she finally puts out that all-important debut LP.
What’s on it? Ten tracks. Three of which are brand-new, four of which made up the EP ‘Alla Gör Slut pt1’, and three of which have come out as singles since that EP. So it’s almost like a Greatest Hits collection of all the songs she’s put out this year. And what a collection of hits it is.
Highlights?Stoppa Tiden‘ remains one of the best songs she’s ever put her name to (probably *the* best alongside her debut single). But it’s already got stiff competition in the form of brand-new track ‘Allt Som Inte Blir Som Jag Vill Att De Ska Vara’. That song really is a fine example of Felicia Takman at her most enjoyable – fast paced production, playful and clever lyrics and a great big euphoric pop melody. It’s an explosive combination that results in a sound that you really can’t help but get wrapped up in. The album is a celebration of all of the above, so pop it on and enjoy an envigorating listen via one of Swedish pop’s brightest and biggest hopes for the future.

You can find ‘Allt Som Inte Blir Som Jag Vill Att De Ska Vara’ on our Best New Pop playlist.

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