The ridiculously awesome new Norwegian talent Dagny has just released her debut EP. It’s called ‘Ultraviolet’, and it came out over the weekend. Featuring the two previously released gems ‘Backbeat’ and ‘Fool’s Gold’, plus three brand new tracks. Mercifully, she’s not let her quality control drop in any way for those three new songs. Like the singles, she’s gifted us with up-tempo and vibrant electropop, with an under-rooted flavour of rock abandon. And each with a stonking great chorus letting rip. Two of those new tracks (‘Fight Sleep’ and ‘Too Young’) have had involvement from the hottest Swedish songwriting duo in the world right now, Mattman & Robin. So that’s also amazing. It’s difficult to pick a fave amongst the whole lot, simply because the five songs are all of such a high standard. Even the singles don’t stand particularly out as being the obvious hits (RELEASE ALL OF ‘EM!!!). But we’ve gone with ‘Too Young’ to include in our Best New Pop playlist (with ‘Fool’s Gold’ keeping its place in our Best New Synthpop playlist, and ‘Backbeat’ remaining in our Best New Artists playlist). Fair.
ALBUM: Dagny – ‘Ultraviolet’ (EP)