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We do love a good mash-up. There’s something very pleasing to the ear when two tracks that you love individually have been cleverly blended together to become one great new song. A lot of the time they really don’t work of course, and grate incredibly on you. But when they’re well thought-out and executed, then you’ve got a corker of a new track to enjoy.

We were sent one such tune this weekend, when British producer Chris Jay forwarded us a concoction of his, telling us that he already knew that we’d love it. Are we THAT predictable?! Really? Yes, we are. It’s amazing. It’s Alcazar’s ‘Burning’ mixed with Rihanna’s ‘Only Girl (In The World)’. It all starts off harmless enough, with the two verses working fine together. But then the chorus hits you. And it’s just SO completely perfect and overwhelmingly powerful. It’s HOOJ!And we’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time obsessing over it ever since.

This is what mash-up dreams are made of;

Alcazar vs Rihanna: ‘Burning (In The World)’

You can read a little more about Chris at his soundcloud page here, where you can also listen to some of his other mash-ups and remixes. But below, we’ve picked out some of our other Alcazar highlights, which work incredibly well too.

Alcazar vs Booty Luv: ‘Don’t Mess With Fire’

Alcazar vs Booty Luv: ‘Some Kinda Discotheque’

Alcazar vs Uniting Nations: ‘You & Me Didn’t Start The Fire’

And as an added scandipop bonus, here’s a listen to his mash-up of September’s ‘Cry For You’ with Nelly Furtado’s ‘Say It Right’.

September vs Nelly Furtado: ‘Say It For You’

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