Ok, so this is basically both brilliant and ridiculous at the same time.
It’s yet another Swedish language dance track hoping to be the sound of the Sverige sommar (we went into the craze a little bit more here) in 2011. Although this one is pure Euro cheese, and it looks like the two guys behind it, Två Stjärnor, are well aware of exactly what they’re dealing with here. Bottom-of-the-barrel synths, ‘comedy’ rapping, and a cheap and trashy video, are all present and correct. But at the heart of the mixture is an undeniably catchy tune. It’s not quite ‘Om Sanningen Ska Fram’ levels of amazingness, but if the Eric Amarillo track is the filet mignon, then ‘Brunetten i Baren’ is the dessert wine two courses later in the same evening!
It’s certainly not going to be to everyone’s taste, but it’s definitely our cup of tea – albeit with five sugars mixed in and washed down with a garibaldi or two!
Too many drink references? Oh well, the song IS about a woman in a bar, anyway.