SONG: Ivy Nord – ‘Scissors’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? New music from the Swedish sister duo Ivy Nord – their latest single ‘Scissors’.
What’s it like? An electronic mash-up of a song, with influences seemingly taken from sources as varied as late-90s r&b, industrial rave, and Nordic metal. ‘Scissors’ feels like an appropriate title, given the fact that the song sounds like it has been pieced back together creatively after a particularly brutal session with a pair. Wonderful stuff.
What do Ivy Nord say?We wrote ‘Scissors’ about a year ago. The song is about finding the strength and courage to cut off destructive ties, to set yourself free basically. When we were 17 years old we were in a very mentally abusive business collaboration with a producer. Our self confidence shattered into pieces during that time and the collaboration kept going for four years. From our own experience we know that low self esteem can trick you into thinking that you don’t deserve the best in life, which is far from the truth. With our new song ‘Scissors’ we’re hoping to connect and inspire people to find the strength and courage to love themselves.
Written by? Ivy Nord (Sara Hesslind and Matilda Hesslind), along with Adam Abrahamsson and Nellie Fors.
More from Ivy Nord? A couple of months back we fell for their previous single too – ‘Lucid Dreaming‘.

You can find ‘Scissors’ on our Best New Synthpop playlist.

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