INTRODUCING: Birkir Blær – ‘Weightless’

  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

Who? On Friday night, Swedish Idol got itself a new winner – a champ of the 2021 series. This is Birkir Blær. An Icelandic singer now living (and thriving!) in Sweden.
So if we have a new winner, does that mean we have?… A new winner’s single? Why, yes! ‘Weightless’ was released straight after the show.
What’s it like? A hugely uplifting tune that eschews the regular winner’s-single ballad template, and instead delivers a rousing, feel-good, up-tempo flavour. It clocks in at under three minutes and features a key change, too – which is always a pleasant treat in this complex arena we call pop music.
Written by? David Kreuger, Fredrik Kempe and Niklas Carson Mattsson.

You can find ‘Weightless’ on our Best New Pop playlist.

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