Finland’s Eurovision 2021 song: Blind Channel – ‘Dark Side’

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  • Post category:New Releases

And did Finland get it right? They couldn’t have gotten it more right. ‘Dark Side’ is not only a super-strong tune that should win Finland a lot of votes at Eurovision in May, it’s also the kind of thing that the Finns will be very proud to have represent them on an international stage. And rightly so.
Was it a close contest? The metal-rock was so loud, it caused an absolute landslide. They won with 551 points. Their nearest competitor ended up on 180.
That’s surely a good omen, no? Well in the whole time we’ve been following Nordic national finals, we haven’t seen a voting landslide that big since Alexander Rybak won Melodi Grand Prix 2009 with ‘Fairytale’.
Anything else of note happen in Finland last night? The performance of the second-place song – ‘I Love You’ by Teflon Brothers & Pandora – really has to be seen to be believed. Although we saw it and we still can’t quite believe it. And the Antti Tuisku & Erika Vikman opening number was pure performance art.

You can find ‘Dark Side’ on our Best New Pop playlist.

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