SONG: Ellinoora – ‘Dinosauruksii’

  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? Finnish artist Ellinoora is back with her first release of 2020. With a bang! New single ‘Dinosauruksii’.
What does Dinosauruksii mean? Well we know that dinosaurukset means dinosaurs. But while the two words are very close to each other in spelling, with this being Finnish we wouldn’t dream of making an assumption that Dinosauruksii means anything similar.
Fair. What’s the song like? Euphoric, uplifting trip-hop pop. Eurphoric to the point of the last 30 seconds sounding positively ecclesiastical. Praise Jesus! Unless you believe that dinosaurs existed.
Written by? Ellinoora herself, along with Samuli Sirviö.
More from Ellinoora? This is her first single since last year’s ‘Vaaleanpunainen Vallankumous‘ album.

You can find ‘Dinosauruksii’ on our Best New Pop playlist.

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