SONG: Samir & Viktor – ‘Arbetslös’

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  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? Swedish duo Samir & Viktor are out today with a brand-new single. One which they are claiming will be their last. The hence suitably titled ‘Arbetslös’ – meaning ‘Unemployed’.
Say what now? Their last single? With Samir training for a career in brokerage (actual true story), he wants to put his full focus into that. We don’t *quite* believe this will be the last we hear from Samir & Viktor, however. And it seems awfully convenient that they would make this announcement on the day they release a new single called ‘Jobless’…..
So what’s the new song like? A typcially rambunctious romp on which the boys trill of a day in the life of the unemployed. It does unfortunately veer into rather tasteless territory, given what’s going on in the world right now. Doing a song about quarantine earlier in the summer had a nice ‘we’re all in this together’ vibe. Doing a banging track about unemployment five months later – has not the right tone struck. Though we understand that this won’t have been the intention, and that an attempt will have been made to stay on the right side of a line – we’re not entirely sure they’ve achieved what they set out to do with this.
What do they say? Viktor had this to say: “The song alludes with a twinkle in the eye to the situation we are all in now, with covid-19. Many of our friends and fans have lost their jobs, and we want to give them some pep and hope with this happy party song. We hope everyone is ok out there, despite the circumstances, we know it’s tough!
Written by? Samir Badran, Victoria Voss and Martin Bustgaard Granlund.

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