Rosanna comes out to Play!

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Popjustice today announced that they were starting their own record label. VERY exciting. And on top of this, their first release would be from Swedish poppet Rosanna! Also VERY exciting. She’ll release ‘Waterfall’ in the UK on August 22nd. It’s a gorgeous piece of electro melancholy pop. It’s quite special in that it does this rather amazing thing of pulling back just when you think it’s all going to get very anthemic and epic. But rather than feel disappointed that it doesn’t go where you think it’s going to, you’re actually left with the feeling that it’s all the more beautiful because of it. We guess that means it sort of feels like the musical equivalent of a nice tantric sex session!

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We were going to write a bit of a biog about Rosanna, but Popjustice have already done a far better job here. One thing they have left out though, is a song that surfaced a couple of years ago by her. The absolutely, unfathomably phenomenal ‘Gameboy’. We can’t recommend enough that you listen to the below song. It’s incredible.

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