Carola cares with carols…

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n166473604332 5653Next month, Carola is going to be leading a concert of sorts, which is being organised to raise funds for the current crisis in Haiti. It sounds like it’s going to be a tame affair though, it’ll be a carol service which will take place in Filadelfia Church in Stockholm on February 25th. Other confirmed names so far, are Charlotte Perrelli and LaGaylia. And Carola has told the Swedish press that she’d like to perform a duet with either Charlotte or Lena Philipsson, most likely to raise the profile of the event. So hopefully, something will come of that too!

Regular readers of this site will be aware that we’re actually moving to Stockholm to go and live there (arriving this Wednesday *scream*!), so we’re definitely going to be trying all we can to get into this event!

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