Listen to the Lene Alexandra song in full…

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EQej Dr yubf4AFHpOEDHANwESidjZ0 3Jtz2vb urIw…oh yeah, and the rest of them too of course!

NRK have uploaded the full version of yesterday’s clips of the songs from MGP heat 1 here

Lene’s ‘Primadonna’ is bags of fun. A pure and unashamed piece of tongue in cheek bubblegum pop. And still our favourite in this heat by far. We’re very disappointed with Maria’s ‘Make My Day’ though. We were expecting a lot more from the clip, but this is really quite dull. To be honest, we’re really not that impressed with any of the others. ‘Yes Man’ and ‘The Dragon Tower’ are alright, but that’s about it.

Go Lene!

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